Does a Fetus Have a Right to Life?

I believe in the sanctity of human life. I oppose elective abortion for personal or social convenience. We should not submit to, perform, encourage, pay for, or arrange such abortions. Possible exceptions to elective abortion include: 1) When pregnancy results from rape or incest, 2) When a competent medical authority determines the life or health of the mother is in serious jeopardy or 3) When a physician determines that the fetus has severe defects that will not allow the baby to survive beyond birth. Even these exceptions do not automatically justify abortion. Abortion is a most serious matter and should only be contemplated after the persons involved have considered other alternatives such as adoption. Although freedom of choice was denied a raped 15-year old girl causing an unwanted pregnancy, she can still exercise her freedom by allowing the child to be born and adopted, especially if she has strong feelings that abortion is the taking of a human life. I donā€™t believe the abortion argument should be about rights, but about potentiality.Ā  In this paper I hope to present a persuasive moral argument that abortion is akin to murder and should be avoided, even if the child is unplanned or unwanted.

Abortion is a war on the defenseless and voiceless. It is a war on the unborn. It is ironic that civilized societies that generally place safeguards on human life have now passed laws that sanction and publically fund the practice of abortion. Since the legalization of abortion in 1973 (Roe vs. Wade), approximately 50 million abortions have been performed the United States.Ā  Worldwide more than 40 million abortions are performed each year. More abortions are performed each year than soldiers killed in both WWI and WWII (30 million). Death from abortion far exceeds the toll of the deplorable loss of life from warfare. 93% of abortions occur for social reasons ā€“ the child is inconvenient or unwanted. Who speaks up for the rights of these unborn children ā€“ the right to life and all the potentialities it affords?

Let me be clear: I do not intend to argue against the legal right of the mother for abortion on demand. She has that legal right. She can do with her own body as she chooses. I intend to argue that the fetus has a right to life because it is a separate person that deserves to be born and to experience life. There are at least two people involved in the decision, even if we exclude the father. Terminating the life of a developing baby involves two individuals with separate bodies, brains and hearts. Perhaps it is presumptive to do so but in order to support that statement we need to consider when meaningful life begins. At conception, the mother and the father each donated 23 chromosomes containing the genetic coding that, when combined, establish all the characteristics of an unborn person. This genetic combining results in a new human being. Approximately 22 days after conception, a little heart begins to beat. At 26 days the circulation of blood begins. Just because the baby is not yet fully developed does not mean that it is any less of a person. The effort of man to legislate when a developing life is considered ā€œmeaningfulā€ is presumptive and arbitrary. The fetus, no matter at what stage, is a person.

Peter Singer is Professor of Bioethics at Princeton and one of the most prolific writers on philosophy and ethics. He has stated, ā€œThe central argument against abortion may be put like this: It is wrong to kill an innocent human being. A human fetus is an innocent human being. Therefore it is wrong to kill a human fetus.ā€ Peter Singer disagrees with this logic. He has argued that ā€œhuman babies are not born self-aware, or capable of grasping that they exist over time. They are not persons.ā€ He has also said that ā€œIn a strictly biological sense, opponents of abortion are right to say that abortion ends a human life.ā€ But he does not consider a fetus or even a human infant to be a person. His views on abortion center on the right to life being intrinsically tied to a being’s capacity to hold preferences. I disagree with that assessment. Just because the fetus cannot yet express itself, does not make it any less of a person.

The real problem is defining what constitutes a person. Personhood cannot be defined based on functionality, presently realized. We must consider that abortion destroys oneā€™s possible future. It is for this very reason that it is morally wrong to take our own lives. But is it a compelling argument? Not yet. It doesnā€™t answer the question of why human life is valuable and therefore why it is wrong to take another human life. A person or a potential person in the case of a fetus has great worth, even infinite worth if you consider what it can become. Even though a human fetus has not yet been born, it still possesses all the characteristics of a human being and thus is indeed a ā€œpersonā€ or a member of the human family. Unrealized human potentiality gives that fetus a moral right to live. The fetus has intrinsic worth and value in its very nature as a human being in embryo. Abortion is indeed murder in that it denies the potential human person the growth opportunities this life affords. To truly understand the worth of a human being, you must consider that there is more to a person than merely a human body.

I am a substance dualist and readily concede my belief in a soul as a bias influencing my position on abortion. It is my belief that I exist now, have always existed and always will exist in some form or another with or without my physical, mortal body. In other words, I am composed of more than the neurons and molecules that make up my physical body. I have a mind and a spirit that are temporarily housed inside this mortal body. I have no idea how my mind and spirit interact with my body. My metaphysical position supports the idea of a plane of existence other than the natural world around us that we see and experience. Because I am self-aware and have a sense of personal identity over time, I have concluded consciousness will continue for me after the death of my mortal body. I cannot conceive of not ā€œbeing.ā€ I am more than a mental state produced by chemicals in my brain. I am an intelligent, eternal being housed in this mortal body for a time and season, learning and growing. In short, I have great worth and potential.

Abortion is murder in that it is destroying the mortal body created to house an eternal spirit. Abortion takes away the right of that eternal being to have a mortal experience with all the attendant growth and learning that takes place in this world. I am pro-choice but not in the sense that the phrase is normally used. I believe in freedom to choose my course in life but I do not believe I am free to choose the consequences of my choices. The analogy of an astronaut may help. Anytime during the selection or preparation process, the potential astronaut is free to withdraw from the program. But once the spacecraft has lifted off, the astronaut is bound to the consequences of the previous choice to make the journey. In like manner, once conception has occurred, the choice of the woman has already been made. She cannot ā€œunchoose.ā€ Yes, she is free to choose what she will do with her body, but once a new life has begun within her, she must consider the impact future choices will have on that new human being. Elective abortion simply becomes a form of birth control, a way to avoid undesired consequences of choice. It is morally wrong because it takes the life of another human being without their consent.

A common rebuttal to the argument against abortion is the womanā€™s right to what she can do with her own body. She has a right to choose and has a right to consent to what is done to her body. As I noted previously, I do not contest these rights. I am pro-choice in this regard. But I wonder if we are giving enough attention to the rights of the father. What if he is opposed to having his child aborted? I have purposely avoided including harsh descriptions of the abortion process such as ā€œsucked down a sink,ā€ or ā€œskull crushed and severed.ā€ Has the father nothing to say if he does not wish to have the child he helped create killed in such a brutal manner? The fetal pain debate is unsettled, since it is impossible to determine what the fetus feels during the abortion process. Why do we hold fathers responsible to provide for their children and not hold motherā€™s to the same standard? Abortion is a way of avoiding responsibility for choice.

Another rebuttal to the argument against abortion is that we are trying to force a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to full term. I noted exceptions to my position of a general opposition to abortion in the opening paragraph. If the mother was raped or the pregnancy resulted from incest, statistically shown to be less than 1% of unwanted pregnancies, then abortion may be justified. However, in the case of pregnancy arising from consensual sex, the woman has tacitly consented to the fetus using her body so she is not being forced against her will. The right to life of the fetus and the right of the woman over her own body are ongoing debates. I do not believe in forcing a woman to do anything against her own will. The decision is a difficult one that ultimately, only the woman can make. She must live with the consequences of her own decision. She may regret having participated in an abortion in her later years.

In this paper, I hope I have made it clear that I believe human life begins at conception. I cannot say at what point the intelligence, soul or eternal spirit enters the human fetus. That is an important consideration in my personal religious beliefs but not relevant to this argument. You do not have to believe in the existence of a soul to understand that life begins at conception. I think anyone who has studied the issue concedes this fact. A new human life is a miracle, worth preserving. Why destroy a life that could bring joy to others? There are better ways of dealing with an unwanted pregnancy. Preserve the life of the child and give it to someone else through adoption. It is a wonderful alternative to abortion. I hope I have argued persuasively that life is precious, especially unrealized potential life. Life comes from life. It is no accident. It is a gift that is not our right to take as we choose. Choose life, not death.

For more information:

Official Statement on Abortion from LDS Newsroom

Abortion, An Assult on the Defenseless by Elder Russell M. Nelson

Weightier Matters by Elder Dallin H. Oaks

Is Abortion Right for Me? – a resourceĀ from LDSĀ family services

5 thoughts on “Does a Fetus Have a Right to Life?”

  1. This is the final paper for a critical thinking class. We had to choose between Abortion, “Famine in a World of Affluence,” Capital Punishment or Just War Theory. I felt most strongly about this subject, I suppose because it is so controversial. A good essay should have 1) a strong thesis, 2) supporting arguments, 3) rebuttal components and 4) a good conclusion. I have greatly enjoyed this critical thinking class. I’ve learned a lot and hope to put it to good use on this blog going forward. Comments and rebuttals are welcome.

  2. I think you make a nice case, making it clear that the woman has (and should have the right to decide. But you did quote the handbook on abortion, right? Acknowledge your debts. šŸ˜‰

    About conception: It would have been nice if you’d inserted some links. I’ve been told by a doctor, that about 80% of fertilised eggs fail to find a hospitable environment on the uterine wall. Thus, they are denied a mortal life?

    About abortion statistics: You say 93% of abortions are for convenience. It would be nice to know who are the ones who have those abortions. In wide studies by the CDC, it has come out that children in the areas where abortion is most easily available, you have fewer abortions, because you have fewer unwanted pregnancies, because they use contraception.

    When our kids were young, and they were told about human reproduction, we told them all about protection, too. The message regarding that was, “if you don’t have it in you to wait, at least use some protection”.

    This personhood thing is another way to criminalise all abortions, unless you have a specific dispensation from the legislature.

    I think it’s sensible to have a rule like Canada, where a foetus is a person, if it has a chance to survive outside the mother. Otherwise, it’s part of the mother. I realise we come to the “murder” question in this, and that we deprive those spirits of mortality. I don’t think so. Everybody, who should come here will come. Our Father is not a respecter of persons, nor does he punish us for the sins of others.

    All in all, I agree that “abortion should be legal, safe and rare“.

    BTW, my last post was about personhood, too. šŸ™‚

  3. Clarifications to Abortion Essay

    My personal belief that life begins at conception is not taught as official LDS doctrine. However, it is the consensus of the scientific community if you consider this definition:

    1. Living things are highly organized.
    2. All living things have an ability to acquire materials and energy.
    3. All living things have an ability to respond to their environment.
    4. All living things have an ability to reproduce.
    5. All living things have an ability to adapt.

    Source: Five characteristics of living things from The Basics of Biology by Carol L Stone

    Equating abortion with murder may have been a little harsh. I apologize for that to those who found it offensive. Dealing with such a punitive label can be especially difficult for the young mother who is already struggling with the unwanted burden of finding herself pregnant.

    Please note that I am not pretending to judge the ability of a 15-year-old pregnant girl to handle her situation, especially if she is the victim of rape. I have nothing but compassion for someone in this situation. I am only suggesting that she consider adoption as an alternative to abortion.

    Natural abortion ā€“ miscarriage ā€“ is not at all in the same category as elective abortion. Please donā€™t equate the loss of a fetus through natural means to be subject to the opinions of this essay.

    The statistics on military deaths came from Wikipedia pages. There were 9.7 million military deaths in WWI and at least 22 million in WWII. Source for annual worldwide and U.S. abortion stats:

    Their source is: Sedgh G et al., Induced abortion: incidence and trends worldwide from 1995 to 2008, Lancet, 2012

    Bringing up fatherā€™s rights is not central to the argument and is a target for a straw man rebuttal.

    Upon a careful rereading, I was probably not clear in connecting one of my premises ā€“ ā€œabortion destroys oneā€™s possible futureā€ to the fetus, NOT to the mother. Donā€™t construe it otherwise.

    I have been advised that the astronaut analogy is poor because an astronaut has years of training and preparation before liftoff. The young girl who seeks an abortion is probably doing so because she did not fully understand the consequences of sexual activity. She may have been coerced and simply acting upon very natural and powerful biological urges, still very new to her.

    A clarification on Roe v. Wade ā€“ Some states (New York and California) already permitted abortions before the ruling. The Supreme Court decision upheld a womanā€™s right to make her own medical decisions, including abortion.

  4. And just in case anyone is interested, here are the comments from the instructor: “Good work on the final paper…at first I thought it was going to be too generalized…but then you snuck in Peter Singer (who seems to echo Warren) and your points all came together well. No need to do a re-write…your course grade will be an A.” Here is a link to the Warren essay for anyone researching this topic in the future:

  5. I know this is an old post, but it is still high on the activity list, I assume from students who have been assigned or chosen the same subject to write about for a critical thinking, logic or ethics class. In case anybody is interested, I have changed my opinion about when the fetus can be considered a human being with rights.

    I base my new opinion on research from Dr. Rick Strassman in DMT, the Spirit Molecule, who postulates that the spirit or life force enters the fetus at 49 days, which coincides with the day the pineal gland and the sexual organs are manifest. This opens up a whole new way of considering the case of abortion prior to seven weeks.

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